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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Springville Art Museum

If you live close to the museum and you have not been here reciently you should go. Me and Rachel came today to see what there was to see there was some really fun art inside even the lower level had art picked out to demonstrate color principles for children. The Best however was the sculpture garden. I have been her many times but the garden wasn't open yet. Today it was and right now it is beautiful. many flowers and roses are in bloom, the vines have grown and decorated the walls, apples hang like ornaments from manicured trees and the weather is perfect to be outside. One of my favorite things was a fishsculputre on the patio area. Carved of marble the artist picked the perfect piece. The colors ans streaks really remind me of a colorful fish under shimmering water.


  1. Great pictures! I too love that museum, but I've never walked around the sculpture garden.

  2. Hello Helen! I recently did a report on the Springville Art Museum and was wondering if I could get permission to use one of your photographs? Please let me know! Thank you!
